As part of a phased return, a number of changes can be made to the work area to make it easier for you to work.

These can include:
- Employers could ask for a workplace risk assessment. This will usually be led by the employer’s occupational health team. It will assess the working conditions and equipment used by the returning employee. For example, risk and trip hazard assessment in a potentially hazardous workshop environment.
- Workstation and seating assessments to determine the best seat and desk heights for people working in office-based roles.
- Changes made to the equipment used to perform specific work tasks. For example, providing lighter cleaning equipment such as lightweight vacuum cleaners or backpack cleaners.
- Maintaining existing equipment to make sure it is easy to use. For example, oiling of wheels on trollies to make them easier to push.
- Providing seating. For example, providing a chair to allow people to sit down during the day where their work role involves them spending most of the working day on their feet.
- Providing a perching stool to allow standing work tasks to be done whilst supported.
- Providing an ergonomically designed office chair, with wedges and footstool where appropriate.